Naturopathic Thyroid Doctor in Silver Spring, MD


The american association of naturopathic physicians

Are you in the Silver Spring area and suffering from a thyroid condition? Have you tried most medications, and it just is not helping? Are you trying to improve your health naturally without harmful side effects? If you answered yes to these questions, then Second Nature Health and Dr. Hayduk are here for you. Dr. Hayduk is a naturopathic doctor and offers non-toxic, safe, and effective alternative medicine for your health issues. She utilizes traditional naturopathic medicine, integrative medicine wisdom, and current trends in medicine with her natural health treatment plans tailored just for you.

Thyroid Conditions

Your thyroid gland is located in your throat and plays a significant role in your energy levels and metabolism. When your thyroid gland functions properly, your body can regulate your temperature, and your energy levels are normal. When it is not, though, it can cause low energy levels, weight gain or loss, and even mood swings. The thyroid gland can either work too hard called hyperthyroidism or not well enough called hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid does not work well enough. Some symptoms can include fatigue, easy weight gain, feeling cold all the time, hair loss. Hyperthyroidism is when the thyroid gland is over-functioning. It can cause symptoms such as increased energy, anxiety, weight loss, and racing heart.

Proper diagnosis of a thyroid condition is essential and a critical step to getting help. When you present with thyroid symptoms, naturopathic doctors consider your TSH, Free T4, Free T3, anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies, and Reverse T numbers.

Naturopathic doctors have many tools to treat thyroid conditions, including thyroid hormones, herbs, stress management, and even finding food allergies.


Silver Spring, MD

Silver Spring is located in southeastern Montgomery County in Maryland, with a population of over 81,000 residents. Downtown has had major growth over the last few years, with many new retail, residential, and office spaces built. It was named after a mica-flecked spring that was discovered in the area in 1840. Second Nature Health is located in Rockville, Maryland, but we help patients from all over the surrounding areas.

Frequently Asked Thyroid Questions

Dr. Hayduk loves answering questions from all of her patients, but here are a few that she gets asked commonly. These can include:

Why are TSH and T4 not enough to determine thyroid health?

These are the standard tests used to assess the health of your thyroid, but these tests only offer an indirect measure of the heath. A complete thyroid panel and your symptoms and your health history give doctors a better look at what is going on.

Why are more people having thyroid problems today?

It is not just thyroid issues that are on the rise; all autoimmune diseases have become on the rise in our society. This can be because of nutritional deficiencies, toxicity in the environment and food, and the overuse of antibiotics. 

Appointments in Silver Spring

If you are in Silver Spring and suffer from a thyroid condition, Second Nature Health and Dr. Hayduk want to help. Give us a call today at 301-295-9118 or use the contact us on our website for more information. We would love to schedule you an appointment and let you know how we can help you.


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