Articles & Handouts
One of the naturopathic principles is docere, meaning ‘to teach’ and we enjoy sharing information with our community. Here are a few articles addressing specific health concerns and the approach of natural medicine. Also, check out Dr. Hayduk’s videos on the video section of this website.
If you’d like an electronic copy of any of Dr. Hayduk’s powerpoints on treating breast cancer, skin concerns or boosting memory using natural medicine. Please call or e-mail us, and we’ll be sure to get you a copy without obligation, of course.
Click here to download health history form to be completed before your visit.

What Is The Difference Between A Naturopathic Physician And A Naturopath?
The long history of legal and philosophical disagreements between naturopathic physicians and naturopaths has undermined the political and medical progress of naturopathic medicine.
Acid and Alkaline Foods
You are what you eat! When the body is more acidic than alkaline it can lead to a progression of chronic diseases, decreased immunity…
Connection Between Mind and Skin Ailments
Skin. It’s where our inside meets the outside. A defense against the external world, but it’s also a way to …
Healing Foods List
You are what you eat! Enjoy a variety of these foods everyday to help your body get rid of toxins, rebuild and form healthy cells, increase immunity, decrease…
Is Naturopathic Medicine Right For You?
As increasing numbers of Americana seek to improve their health through natural means…
Candida Checklist
If you have more ‘yes’s’ than ‘no’s on this simple checklist (think back over the last year when you do this). You may have a candida (yeast) overgrowth….
Bone Broth Soup Recipe
Bone broth is tasty on it’s own, with other veggies as a soup or as a drink. There are many ways to prepare bone broth soup. The quality of the bones do matter….
Diet & Your Health
A basic outline of what you should and should not be doing for your optimal health….
Sweetness Conversion Chart
A handy chart showing conversions of sugar and other natural sweeteners in recipes.

The Medicinal Uses of Green Tea
Camellia sinesis or Green Tea has been a traditional drink of Asia for thousands of years, and for very good reasons. It grows as a 15 meter shrub in the shade with dark green shiny leaves draped with scented flowers. But this is just the beginning of Green Tea’s healing ability.
Diet Diary
Tracking your daily intake of food and drink can help you understand their effects on your moods and disgestion. Use this table to get started.
Heavy Metals, The Environment, and Detoxification
In our polluted world toxic substances are every where, in the air we breathe, our food, the water we drink…
Taking A Natural Approach to PMS
One of the most common hormone- related conditions in otherwise healthy women is premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Iron List
Eat more of these foods if you are low in iron or anemic…
Allergy Elimination Diet
Identify food allergies is vital for any chronic digestive issue and for most chronic diseases. Here is how to do it ‘the old fashioned way’. There is also a quick and easy blood test (very different testing that what allergist offer their patients) that can guide you to your own unique food sensitivities..
Amino’s & Minerals
A list of common amino acids and mineral deficiencies and where to find them in foods..
Adrenal Fatigue
Is the cause of your tiredness and lack of motivation from overworked adrenal function? Maybe.You can not lose weight not matter what you do? This could also be an adrenal issue. Many people with thyroid disorders often have underlying adrenal issues..
Wet Socks Therapy
A terrific way to reduce fever and feel better. Totally free and you already have the things at home to do it. Works great for kids too.
Articles by Dr. Hayduk on Ecoparent
Preparing for Surgery with Cell Boosting Nutrients
Natural Ways to Speed Surgery Recovery
Candid Talk About Treating Candida
Six Ways to Flush Out Thrush
Natural Ways to Increase Milk Supply
How to Apply Henna to Your Hair Home
Natural Approach To Better Bone Health – Hint, Think About This Now and Not Later!