Natural Medicine Works!

Dr. Veronica E. Hayduk is a naturopathic doctor that has been serving the natural and complementary health care needs of Maryland’s citizens for two decades. In fact, she was the first in Rockville.

Dr. Hayduk is pleased to offer you and your family safe, non-toxic, effective, holistic, and alternative medicine for all your health concerns. She successfully utilizes time-honored traditional naturopathic medicine and integrative medical wisdom in addition to blending in current trends in medicine with her natural health care treatment plans.

Are you ready to:

  • improve your health naturally, without harmful side effects of medications?
  • use foods, plants (botanical medicine), and homeopathics to help with your symptoms?
  • see an expert in naturopathic medicine?
  • prevent diseases before you get them?
  • experience lasting effects on your energy and well-being?
  • be with a naturopathic doctor in Maryland that listens and tries to find the cause of your health concerns?
  • work with a doctor qualified to handle your symptoms?
  • finally get better and stay well?
  • stop floundering around wasting time and money on poor advice?
  • create a customized health care and wellness plan just for you?

Our highest and only goal is to see you as healthy as you want to be. Our agenda is your agenda!

With the healing power of nature and Dr. Veronica Hayduk’s expertise, you are only a phone call away.

Dr. Hayduk offers real solutions to your problems by treating the whole person with a combination of naturopathic medicine, botanical medicine, and integrative medicine, not just treating your symptoms!

So, what are you waiting for now?

What’s New?

Growing healthy hair is in the top 5 list of concerns

  Of all the issues that are presented to naturopathic doctors, growing healthy hair is, by far, in the very top five. Men and women both want thick & full hair and to get this achievement is a huge money-generator for tons of companies and products. Yet,...

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Don’t Guess – Test!

  Finding a cure requires finding a culprit. Otherwise, you are just floundering around wasting your precious time and money. Basic blood testing, as ordered by your primary care practitioner, can be interpreted with a different lens. Let's see if there are...

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Eczema Naturopathic Doctor in Rockville, MD

  Caring for your skin is something we have all been taught to do. At times it is difficult to really know how to do this. Topical care only goes so far, and that is how the majority of the population is taught to care for their skin. What if caring for your skin...

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Brain Injuries Heal Faster With Natural Medicine

  There is no drug for a traumatic brain injury at any stage of healing. Why not give the brain all it needs to help heal as fast and completely as possible? There are lots of ideas and treatment approaches available that the neurologists don't talk about....

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Vitamin D is vital this time of year

  With the dark winter months quickly approaching and the dreary weather too, we can no longer get enough vitamin D from the sun (as if we could do a good job in the summer...) Vitamin D is essential not only for bone health but for our mood too. A real helper to...

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Let’s Keep the Good Habits Going

How's it going on those resolutions? Hanging in there or given up? Guess what, every morning you wake up is a new day and another new start. If feeling overwhelmed? Get some help! Hire the personal trainer for a few sessions, the money will be well spent. Have the...

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Call for a complimentary phone consultation today with Dr. Hayduk, your naturopathic doctor in Maryland! (301) 395-9118

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See What Our Patients Say..

Dr. Hayduk is a fantastic physician. My initial appointment with her began with the two of us sitting at a table together and speaking. I had never experienced this during any doctor’s appointment….ever. She devoted well over an hour to speaking with me, listening to me and making recommendations for improving my health.

It was an amazing feeling to speak with my doctor for more than a mere 15 minutes only to be ever-so-subtly escorted out the door. Dr. Hayduk is an extremely intelligent physician who possesses a remarkable and unique level of compassion. I trust Dr. Hayduk’s judgment and am very thankful to be under her care.

Kathleen H.

I’m a kidney transplant survivor. It goes without saying my health is to be monitored, especially whenever introducing new or different supplements to my regiment of immune suppressant Rx meds for interactions. I am followed periodically by a professional Nephrology team at a major hospital, however, Dr. Hayduk is who I turn to for diet and supplement advice. She knows me well, even pre-transplant. It was Dr. Hayduk and her recommended supplements that were instrumental in getting my body prepared for that grueling surgery. It’s been four years and I’m 100 percent healthy. I order my vitamins and supplements from Dr. Hayduk’s office each and every month. The customer service handled mostly by Paris (the office director) is also first class. I view the good doctor and her awesome assistant as friends. I highly recommend Dr. Hayduk

K. Williams

I’m so honored to be a patient of Dr. Veronica Hayduk. Her knowledge is awesome and her kind and caring mannerisms are just what a patient needs. She has been so tremendously helpful in working with me in my quest to defeat cancer. I highly recommended her.

S. Simon

(from Yelp)

I love seeing Dr. Hayduk! Her attention to detail is amazing and I felt at ease right away with her, super friendly. Her office staff is also fantastic. She’s not just one of many doctors at a center, it’s just her. Her office is not just a lot of MDs who think they know about natural medicine. Dr. Hayduk has been in practice a long time and her methods work and work well. Don’t get duped into a big fancy center as I did. Just go see Dr. Hayduk. If she needs to send you for a more traditional approach to your health concerns, she will.

D. James

Rockville, MD

I can’t say enough how wonderful it is to have found a naturopathic doctor who is also well acquainted with traditional medicine. It’s like having the best of both worlds. Dr. Hayduk is very personable, knowledgeable and a wonderful doctor.

K. Dickens

Gaithersburg, MD

I haven’t felt this great in over three years! The process to get here was easier than I thought. Thank you, Dr. Veronica!

Sandy S.

Mechanicsville, VA

If you are looking for a natural way to get healthy, instead of the conventional way with prescriptions, etc., I highly recommend seeing Dr. Hayduk! She is hands down the BEST Naturopathic doctor around. I started coming to Dr. Hayduk about 2 years ago, to discuss various symptoms that I was having due to Hypothyroidism, along with a few female issues. Although she is not an Endocrinologist she looked at my labs from a well-known doctor in the area, and immediately noticed that my levels were too high. For years, my thyroid levels were off, and I couldn’t understand why I was having all these symptoms, even though I was told that my levels were good. Needless to say, I was so angry at the mismanagement of my thyroid, that I left that doctor and found a new Endocrinologist. The new Endocrinologist is great, but I still run my labs by Dr. Hayduk to review….that’s how much I trust and value her opinion.

Tracy Y.

Upper Marlboro, MD

Dr. Hayduk spent so much time with us regarding health history, interpreting lab results, and making dietary recommendations that worked with our lifestyle. She is truly a caring doctor and wants optimum health for each person that she meets..She is an expert at meeting you, “where you’re at.” She will work with you to find solutions that make sense for you and your family–no judgment at all. She is the best, and we are all so grateful for her help!

Deb. H

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