Don’t Guess – Test!

  Finding a cure requires finding a culprit. Otherwise, you are just floundering around wasting your precious time and money. Basic blood testing, as ordered by your primary care practitioner, can be interpreted with a different lens. Let’s see if there are...

Eczema Naturopathic Doctor in Rockville, MD

Caring for your skin is something we have all been taught to do. At times it is difficult to really know how to do this. Topical care only goes so far, and that is how the majority of the population is taught to care for their skin. What if caring for your skin came...

Breakfast Recipes

Quinoa Breakfast Scrambled Tofu Quinoa Breakfast INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup water 1/4 cup quinoa 1/4 cup steel cut oats 1/4 cup crushed pinapple or pineapple juice 1 TB blackstrap mollasses currants or raisins to taste DIRECTIONS Rinse the grains. Boil then simmer the quinoa...
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